NEW! Download the PurpleUdder Classifieds iOS or Android App! Learn More
Over the past few months we’ve been working on building, testing and tweaking an app to better serve Purple Udder users. The app was designed to allow users to quickly and easily post used equipment from their mobile devices. UPDATE October 2019: We’ve finally launched the Android version as well!
The North American dairy industry is HUGE. Canada alone has over 12,000 dairy farms with close to a million dairy cattle. The USA has almost 10 times this amount at approximately 9 million head, and around 50,000 dairy farms. In an industry this large there are large volumes of equipment
Welcome to the best dairy equipment classifieds on the web! Purple Udder was born out of the need to have a central hub for the dairy industry to sell and shop for used, new or specialized dairy equipment, free of charge. Until now, the only options for farmers and dairy
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